Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I really enjoyed today's lecture. I had a hard time at the beginning but once we got going I was fine. I enjoyed flying through my 3d image. It was pretty awesome.

I am going to eat alot and watch movies for thanksgiving. My bro and his wife and my sis and her husband are all coming to my parents' house and we're gonna have a sweet time. I'm pretty freakin' excited. It should be really awesome. I hope I don't have to waste all my time doing homework. Peace.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas music?

So I did pretty well today. I was behind on all the stuff coming in but with help from Miriam I was able to catch up and do all the stuff Adam was helping us with. It turned out really well considering my behindness and the beginning.

I'm not really sure what my policy is on when you can listen to Christmas music. My room mate has been listening to Christmas music for a couple weeks now, and I was on my mission for the last two years so I don't really mind that we're listening to tons of Christmas music. Oh well. I guess I'll know what my policy is in the next few years. I can't really define it. Merry Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Book...

Today was kindof frustrating just because the ArcMap kept closing. It did it about two or three times without saving anything I did. And then when I went to scan my image I couldn't. It wouldn't pick up the image on the scanner. I think it was because I drew it on the wrong side. It was frustrating. But I did understand alot of the stuff that we did. I liked how it overlays and stretches the mylar image. It was cool.

Probably the best book I've read in a while was the Book of Mormon. I know that's not very creative, but it's true. It's a way good book. And it's pretty much the only book I've read in a long time. Well, tchau.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Favorite place to eat...

Well, today I understood pretty well all the stuff. I was able to understand the different functions of arcgis pretty and stuff. I didn't have any real problems.

My favorite place to eat? Well... I would have to say Tucanos because it's so good. I love it and it's good Brazilian food. I like it so much. Too bad it's so expensive. Oh well. I'll go there for my birthday or something.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I was okay in class. I think there's a lot of stuff I need to review for the exam, and this class really helped me to understand that. That was my epipheny for the day. I guess my questions are all the things I need to review for the exam.

My joke is the only one I can think of right now. It's a laffy taffy joke: What do you call a nun who sleep walks? A Roamin' Catholic!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I understood pretty well how to do all the stuff today. I liked the words Nicole used. They were pretty sweet. I had to figure out a couple things that weren't well explained, but I got it pretty well. No problems.

Critique of Adam's presentation: Asked if we knew what it was. Really loud and annoying sounds. Just read slides. Stupid sounds. Loud backgrounds. I can't hear him over his sound effects. Didn't practice and so didn't know what was next. Can't read the yellow text. Too many words on the last slide.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Favorite Class...

Today I learned a bunch of stuff about poster making and I felt pretty good about it. I feel a little more comfortable with the assignment for the poster. I pretty much understood everything that we went over in class. No big problems yet.

I think that one of my favorite classes that I have taken was our Geology 210 class. It was so much fun. I enjoyed all the stuff we did climbing all over the mountains and making maps and things like that. And all the friends were so awesome. I had a good time with that stuff.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Places I have lived...

Today was alright. I understood almost everything that we did. I understood well how to do the colored gradient and stuff. It was pretty neat. I didn't really understand all the different uses for these tools, but it was good anyways. I hope to be able to use the tools we learned to be able to complete my assignments for friday. I didn't quite get all the applications for this stuff. I'll have to figure them out on my own as I do my assignments, I guess.

I haven't lived anywhere cool if you don't count my mission. I lived in Provo and Orem. But on my mission I lived in the Amazon Jungle. It was pretty awesome. One city I lived in was Itacoatiara. It was right on the bank of the Amazon River. I liked living there. It was a small peaceful city, for the most part. And it was really close to the deep jungle. I heard alot of sweet stories because of that. Tchau.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My weekend.

Today was pretty sweet. I feel a little more comfortable with how to apply the tools in illustrator to complete my assignments and stuff. It seems alot more applicable now than it did before. I understood pretty well how to use the tools to build a cross section. I wasn't quite perfect with all the tools and would like to know how to make it look great like it does in text books and stuff, but that will probably come with practice and stuff. It will come with time I think.

I had an enjoyable weekend. I went to my parents' house on saturday and watched football pretty much all day long. I really enjoyed listening to the BYU game on the radio. It was pretty intense. Probably the craziest game though I only saw the first half of. It was the Texas vs. Texas Tech game. Texas, the number one team in the nation, was dethroned. They lost by a touchdown with one second left on the clock. What an incredible weekend for college football. There were a few crazy games. It was great. I also watched Charade with my little brother. It was a good weekend.