Monday, September 29, 2008

Worst movie ever...

Today was very enlightening. I liked learning about how to edit papers using MS Word 2007. I like the system. I enjoyed learning also how to review your own paper and the facility with which acceptance can be made on on revisions and editings. There were a few details that I didn't quite get because I was trying to follow along on my computer and I couldn't find the buttons as fast as Nicole, but it's okay. I'll ask if I have problems/questions.

Probably the worst movie I've ever seen is a movie called Napoleon. I actually walked out of the movie, which is the only time I've done that, I think. I didn't walk out because it was dirty, either. Just because it was stupid. I saw it when I was eleven, I think. It's about a stupid dog that runs around and has stupid "adventures." It is a little kid movie, but if any kid likes that, they should be exiled to an island far away from any form of civilization. What a stupid movie.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I understood everything in the lecture today. No problems. I thought it was really interesting to see how an efficient paragraph is constructed. It will definitely help me in my proposition. Since I had serious problems in finding sources for my paper I used an abstract in a GSA publication to identify the constituents of the paragraph. It lies below:

A glacial origin for the Mineral Fork Tillite in the Big Cottonwood Canyon area of the Wasatch Range in Utah is reaffirmed. The formation consists of two members: a lower sequence of thick, massive diamictites, with minor lensoid beds of shale-siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate, and an upper sequence of more abundant shale-siltstone and siltstone that displays prominent bedding. The lower member is interpreted to be a sedimentary pile of tills and outwash deposited by multiple advances of continental glaciers. A grooved, polished, and striated surface marks the basal contact with the Big Cottonwood Formation. The upper member is considered to be of glaciomarine origin, mainly sediments released from icebergs and/or a floating ice shelf, along with rock flour washed from marine-based glacier margins. One major continental to marine cycle of environmental change is indicated as a result of slow but steady subsidence along a continental margin. Evidence cited here strengthens the case for a major glacial event during late Precambrian (Eocambrian) time in western North America.
Taken from GSA Journals Online

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I wanted to be...

Today my moment was when I learned how to make links and start to actually build things on the page. My problem though was I don't understand how I should organize my pages and stuff. I saw the page with all the required things but I don't know what kind of page I should use to build that.

When I was little I wanted to be a police officer. I don't know why. I guess that's every little boy's dream. But that really didn't last very long. It changed alot when I was little but that's the earliest one that I remember. Cops are the coolest when you're little. I guess they still are. Especially highway patrol-men. They get to wear the coolest hats.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My favorite food.

I understood pretty well everything today. It was a pretty basic review of things I already knew so it went very well for me today.

I really love sweet and sour chicken. My mother makes it really well. I ask for that every birthday. It makes me happy. It is something that I love to eat and I would eat it every day if I could. I think I will make it tonight if I have time. It is soooooo delicious. I have nothing else to say... there is nothing else to say. Have a nice day.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


So this blog is probably dated for the wrong date, because, like Nicole, I do stuff late at night and I was working all day and didn't get a chance to do this in class. But I thought that it was really helpful to go over the organization of our papers. That really helped me alot in my work. I wasn't really confused at anything, though. Which is a good thing I guess, or it means that I just didn't get any of it at all.

I would have to say that if I could have any superpower, it would be either extreme strength or the ability to fly. Flying has always been the focus of my super power dreams. Though I think it would be absolutely amazing to be as strong as Superman. I could do anything. And if that was my only super power, I could play all sorts of sports and be the star at all of them. Well, football would definitely be at the top of the list. Super strength would be awesome.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is "Leathermen" the plural of "Leatherman"?

I was thinking for a while of all the tools that exist in this world and I decided that there is no single tool that I would be. So I decided that I would be my favorite tool in the world: a leatherman. The leatherman is the most useful tool there is. There's everything on it... It's the best. I lost my leatherman on the 210 trip, but then when I got home I found it. So I'm happy again. I guess it's kind of sad when my happiness depends upon a piece of stainless steel. But it's not just any piece of stainless... it's a leatherman.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dream Vacation!

One thing I enjoyed about today's lecture was how to do research online. There are many resources that I didn't know about. I think it will be very useful to me, not only in my research for this class, but the BYU library has so much information that I really didn't know how to access. I didn't follow all of the complicated advanced search explanation that was given, though. That was a little confusing to me.

My dream vacation would be to the Swiss Alps. Those mountains amaze me so much and I would like to go there and see the incredible mountains and enjoy the beauty of the mountains. I think it would be so interesting to see all of that. It would be a dream.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Interview Preparation and Differentiation

Today I learned alot about the importance of preparing for an interview. I had never thought of studying the company beforehand or coming up with questions to ask the interviewer. I recently was interviewed for a job at a credit union and I did hear that question, "do you have any questions?" I didn't know what to say. I learned a few things about interviewing and I thought I was pretty well prepared, but I never thought or heard to ask questions. That's definitely something that will help me in the future. I did get the job, by the way.

I heard that we have to have an interest in the field that we are interviewing for and I'm not sure how to decide what I'm really interested in. That's my question. I don't know how to discover what my interests are. That sounds like something really important in the interview that I need to determine.

I can't think of anything distinguishing about myself. I need to get more involved in mentoring anfd research to be able to find such things. I think that as I do so I will be able to find some distinction between me and other candidates/students.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Best Prank Ever

Today I really started to understand the Microsoft Word 2007 system. I was able to add shapes and format them the way I wanted to be able to design my own CV. It was rather gratifying. The problem I have is that I don't really know what to put on my CV. I've don't have much experience worth mentioning in geology, so I don't know exactly what to put on the CV.

The best prank ever was on my mission in Manaus, Brasil. I was financial secretary in the mission office for ten months of my mission. Every once in a while an Elder would have to stay at the office recovering from an injury or something like that. A certain Elder, whom we shall call Elder Ambrosio for the purpose of this blog, had sprained his ankle and had to stay with us for several months during his recovery. He was the kind of person that had to know everything that was going on. He would sit in front of us and just stare asking pointless questions. Needless to say, he drove us all crazy and we couldn't ever get away from him since he could never stay alone and his leg was in a cast and couldn't walk. So we decided to pull a prank on the poor child. The time was nearing for his transfer to a real area and to get back to work, but the mission president hadn't yet informed him to where he was being transferred. So, we took it into our own hands and decided for him, though this wasn't going to be a normal transfer. We utilized our incredible clerical skills as secretaries of the mission and prepared all the forged paper work for his transfer to the Belem mission. We took a plane ticket from the files and scanned it into the computer, switching names, dates, and city names and planted the papers on the president's desk. In front of the victim, a staged phone call from "the president" was placed and the executive secretary retrieved the phony tickets from the President's desk. All the papers were done and Elder Ambrosio believed that he was actually being transferred to the other mission. The prank was perfectly executed and if we hadn't blatantly told him of his folly he would have called a taxi to go to the airport an hour later with all his belongings. This was definitely the best prank I have ever performed.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Battle wounds...sorta

I learned alot of really useful things in office '07. It really was great for me to know this stuff on layout details and things like that. I had a hard time at first following to the tabs control window but then I figured it out and feel a little more comfortable with the new system.

Now, my scar story. I was playing ball with my neighbor many years ago when the ball fell into his wild bush on the side of the yard. It was an evergreen bush that had been trimmed recently. I stepped onto one of the branches in the top of the bush to retrieve the buried ball. Unfortunately, I didn't know that this particular branch was only partially present. My foot slipped off and the clipped branch ripped a long gouge up the side of my calf. A wicked scar formed up the side of my leg, that, quite frankly, I was very proud of. But, unfortunately the scar faded and is no longer visible today.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Factors of Style on CNN

I heard today that a man did a study at a university to see if typeface (font) plays a role in how a paper is graded. He found that using Georgia actually betters your grade by a third of a grade. So I guess it's a habit I need to create, starting with this blog. It's also slightly larger than times new roman, as you can tell, so writing with this typeface I can type less and you can think that I'm typing more. That means less work for me and more time I can use looking at rocks.

I looked on the CNN website to see what kinds of style factors were used and I found a few different things. The first thing I noticed was that it was written in sans serif. It is a web page, so as we discussed, they use that so the words look clearer and less blurred together. Its a good tactic in a news website where a lot of info is given written very small. Another thing they used was the bold type. This emphasizes important ideas and also links the reader to similar subjects in other articles. Also it is used for titles and headings to articles. I also notice the length of the lines. The site is designed to keep the attention of the reader. Especially the first half of the article is easier to read due to shorter lines. It is easier to hold the reader with lines that don't span the width of the site. It's also interesting that CNN employs straight quotation marks instead of "curly" ones. This gives me the sense of professionality. It definitely affects the voice of the article.

I think its interesting to see how an atmosphere can be set just by the way the type appears on the page. I'll certainly notice that a lot more in the future. Thanks alot Nicole. You bring out simple pleasures in my life. Now I can't look at mountains or even type without thinking analytically. Life is getting more interesting everyday. Right.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I love OneStop...NOT

Before coming to Geo230 lab today I went to onestop in the wilk. OneStop was designed to be a convenient, one-time-do-everything, kind of place. What it is in reality is a headache. No matter what needs you have, all of them are in the same room. In theory, that is good. But in reality, it just condenses the entire population of BYU into a very small area with high risks of rioting and uncontrolled human stampedes. I've had to go to this "ultra-convenient" location not once, but twice, and I must go back at least once more. I don't know if my blood pressure will endure another visit to that place. I would much rather sitting in the Geology lab in my 230 lab. Well, I guess I would rather be anywhere but at OneStop. It just makes me love the ESC even more.