Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween tonight...

I did good in illustrator today. It was fun and I liked to learn how to divide and ungroup and all that fun stuff. I didn't have any problems with it and had tons of fun. I just didn't quite get how to apply all those tools we learned to make a picture, etc. I'll get it though. I think a review of what we learned would be helpful.

I am going to my parents' house tonight to hang out and maybe watch Charade or something, then I'm going to Amanda's party. It is gonna be awesome. Hopefully I will eat a whole bunch of candy. I think it would be cool if I didn't get sick when I ate tons of candy. That would make it even better.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today was pretty cool. I enjoyed learning how to make individual jpgs and stuff like that. I think this could be a really useful tool. I understood everything pretty well, though I got lost a couple times in a couple details of the more complicated things. I figured them out though.

I think that my favorite costume when I was a little kid was either a vampire or a cowboy. I think it would have to be cowboy. I would dress up like that even when it wasn't halloween though. It's the coolest though.

Monday, October 27, 2008

what I'd like to know about the future...

Today was good in illustator. I had never used it before. It seems like it could be pretty complicated to make something really useful in it and I hope I will learn to use it well. I think that I wanted to see something a little more technical be taught today because it seems like those things we learned were really basic and could have been covered alot quicker to save time. It's okay though.

I would like to know if the United States will remain a world power until the end of the world as we know it. I think that if I knew that I would be able to prepare myself a little better now for the future. It would really be nice to know when major national and world events occur.

Friday, October 24, 2008


This is my merged photo assignment. I feel kinda bad because I had this done yesterday and I forgot to post it until right now. I merged three photos and replaced the sky. It was really fun.

I enjoyed the merge tool today in class. I understood really well. I had no problems. Nothing went wrong, I guess.

I don't have a superstition, but I will make one up anyways:

I am afraid of vampires. I have to hang a crucifix on my bedroom door. I'm mormon, and that's really why this is a weird superstition. It was especially interesting on my mission. It was so hard to explain to explain to my Brazilian companions. I've had this superstition since I read Dracula. Whenever someone dies, we have to cut his head off and stuff his neck with garlic and drive a stake through his heart. That's my superstition.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sports fan

This is the scanned photo I edited using photoshop. I adjusted the levels of lighting, I used the burn tool on the mountains and other background, and I cropped the photograph to remove scanned white area around the photo.

I understood pretty well how to merge photos I think. I think it's an awesome skill to have to be able to make panoramic photos, etc. I understood pretty well everything. No big problems were encountered.

I am a sports fan, but not as intense as alot of people. I absolutely love watching college football. I don't have a favorite team to watch. I just love watching a great game of football. I don't like the pros as much though. They don't seem to play with nearly as much emotion as in college ball. And I'm not as into basketball and all the other sports as I am into football. I just hope I can get tickets to the football game this saturday. That would be awesome.

Monday, October 20, 2008

favorite fall activity

Today was pretty cool. I liked learning how to use the burn and dodge tools today. It was really interesting and fun. I think the hardest part was using the gaussian blur tool and still keeping all the original details of the image. I figured it out pretty well though.

My favorite fall activity I think is going to the mountains to see the colors and stuff. I went on Saturday with my sister and brother-in-law but I think we were a little too late for that part of the mountains. We went to Cascade Springs and had a picnic. It was really fun. I just love the outdoors in this time of year. It is so beautiful and peaceful. A little earlier in the season would have been a little more colorful though, despite all the orange we saw hunters wearing. It was good times. Goodbye.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Best Date... so far

This is a mission picture of me and the Amazon River. I used the ruler tool to fix crookedness. The horizon was really crooked. I also corrected overall lighting. I cropped this photo as well.
I understood pretty well all the things in photoshop. I was a little slow in keeping up on the steps with all the details and stuff. I enjoyed it though. I didn't understand all the merging layers and stuff. It's okay though. I like photoshop.
I can't say which was my best date. It's all relative. And I think I have to leave and I don't have the patience to think up a good date story. Hopefully my best date will be in the near future. It would be very nice. I've been on great dates, but I need another.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Worst Injury

I understood well everything today. I really enjoy using photoshop. I echo Nicole's "photoshop's cool!" I was just a little confused when she was going really fast but my friend helped me out.

I never got injured really bad. Knock on wood. Um, I guess once I almost broke my back when we were playing capture the flag in the dark. I was running towards the flag, which was a glow stick, and I tripped on the parking tie and fell catching my chin on the picnic table bench and bent my back the wrong way real far. It hurt like crazy. But no permanent damage. That's lucky.

Above is my image from monday. I used the move tool to overlay the image, the crop tool, and the transform tool to re-size the blueberries. It was fun.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Favorite Season

Today was really good. I like learning about how to use photoshop and stuff like that. I had virtually no problems with the photoshop and stuff. I'm sure it will be a little worse as we go more complicated in the program. I already did my mini-assignment for next time. It was way easy.

My favorite season is probably fall because of football, the temperature, and the autumn colors. I love football so much. I also like that it isn't too hot in the fall and not too cold. Usually. It's been pretty cold lately, but that is a little out of the ordinary for this time of season. But I guess that is ordinary for Utah's seasons. The leaves changing colors is so awesome too. I think that one of the biggest reasons that I love autumn so much now is because I just got off my mission to the Amazon Jungle and my three-year summer is now coming to an end and I am just overjoyed. That's probably why I'm biased to this season.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I enjoyed the review today. I'm not so worried about the test so that's really good. I've had so many stressful tests lately and I was kind of worried about this one, but I'm not so nervous now. I didn't remember so well the first details we learned and stuff like that, but I'll review and go over the stuff and I'll do well. I promise.

I never had any significant pets like wolves or badgers or anything. The only pets I really had were fish. We had a killer tropical fish that ate its wife and children. We later found out that it was actually a convict. That's actually the type of fish. I know why it got that name. Then, after all that happened, I was at scout camp one week and my parents released the fish into the wild. They said they didn't have the heart to flush it when it was so alive, so they decided to risk the fish population of the mighty Provo River. For all I know he could still be out there terrorizing carp and bass. Who knows? Of course he is a tropical fish, so I don't know if we can be prosecuted for such an act. Don't tell the authorities though.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I understood pretty well how to make charts. It was a good thing for me to learn. Every time we work in here I learn cool stuff though it seems like I'm learning alot of things twice in a couple of my classes. It is going really well because of this though. I didn't quite understand all of the graphs and charts' uses but I did pretty well.

I think I would like to go on an ultimate jungle safari of the amazon jungle. I served my mission there but didn't see all that crazy stuff end of things like I would like to. The amazon is sweet and there's alot of stuff I would like to do there. It could be incredible if money wasn't an issue.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Favorite Breakfast Food

1. the greatest difference on the table is 8592.8.
2. I understood all the formulas and stuff really well. I didn't have any problems with the lecture. I'm just not exactly sure what I'll do with my own table for the assignment this week.
3. My favorite breakfast food is probably biscuits and gravy. It is so good. We made it on Saturday before general conference. That's number one I think, but I also like lots of other stuff like omelets and waffles and stuff like that. I absolutely love breakfast.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Musical Instrument

I understood what was going on in class today. It was good stuff. I am in an information systems class right now so I'm learning how to do all this stuff in that class. I think it's really interesting to be able to do all that stuff. My problem was that I couldn't see the Nicole's screen well enough to imitate the details and stuff. But I feel comfortable with it all.

I play the trombone. Actually I'm not good anymore because I went on my mission and lost it. I know scales and notes and everything, but my embouchure is shot because of lack of practice. I'm also teaching myself the guitar. I'm not good yet, but I'm working on it. I love playing music. I play the piano a little bit, too. Not much though. I just enjoy it all and wish I was better, but I don't have the time to excell like I would like to.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weirdest Relative

Today I really understood the uses of Adobe Acrobat pretty well. I was really happy about that. I was able to look ahead of Nicole and figure things out on my own as well. I didn't understand the functions of all the buttons of the toolbars that Nicole showed us though. She kind of went fast at the end of the lecture.

I think my weirdest relative is my uncle Eddie. He's not my uncle anymore, but that's really the safest way for me to write this blog without offending anyone that may chance upon this blog. He did so many weird things and he was just a crazy dude. He was an insane driver and didn't do anything worthwhile that I know of in his life. I guess that's not weird, just worthless. That's okay though. It's unfortunate that he is like that.