Monday, October 20, 2008

favorite fall activity

Today was pretty cool. I liked learning how to use the burn and dodge tools today. It was really interesting and fun. I think the hardest part was using the gaussian blur tool and still keeping all the original details of the image. I figured it out pretty well though.

My favorite fall activity I think is going to the mountains to see the colors and stuff. I went on Saturday with my sister and brother-in-law but I think we were a little too late for that part of the mountains. We went to Cascade Springs and had a picnic. It was really fun. I just love the outdoors in this time of year. It is so beautiful and peaceful. A little earlier in the season would have been a little more colorful though, despite all the orange we saw hunters wearing. It was good times. Goodbye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It WAS fun, wasn't it? We're awesome.